Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Joining the Echo Chamber

I actually feel bad starting a blog.

It's not like I'm afraid of sharing my random and useless thoughts -- check out my Facebook status or Twitter updates -- or just sit next to me at work.  It's a pretty good chance that the import of those messages are fleeting or highly localized, if not both. 

Sure, I have opinions about things, but those break down into two distinct categories: opinions on highly visible issues (i.e. national political issues) and incredibly specific technical items (i.e. why the interface of the TouchTable has to work in Just This Way).  In the prior case I can guarantee you that I am woefully informed about the whole issue relative to other commentators - so there's no particular value in my adding to the chorus.  In the later case, even though my opinion holds a certain status of being novel and informed, I'm usually lucky if I can get my co-workers to pay attention.  It would be perverse to expect friends or other readers to want to read about it.

However, my status update this morning could take a couple shapes. Option 1: "I woke up at 4am again, I hate Asian time zones" - which pretty much says everything it needs to right there. Option 2: "I spent the last 11 days in East Asia where I saw things I didn't expect.  I also took photos." -- in this case there might actually be something to write about. So that's what this is, a personal blog of the things that I think are going to be worth reading now, and maybe even a few years down the line, that deserve to not be lost in the noise channel of status updates and friend adds and so on.  Just The Good Parts.

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