Thursday, February 26, 2009

Japanese Imperial Palace

When I was finally able to make it onto a Tokyo train I figured the best place to get off the train was at the stop named "Tokyo". A lot of planning went into this trip. I got off there, wandered around some empty underground corridors and then climbed back up to the surface. A map there said that something called the "Imperial Palace" was a couple blocks away. I decided that sounded like someplace worth visiting.

Most of the palace grounds are off-limits to tourists, but a portion of the Imperial Gardens are open for the public to wander about. These gardens were the first place that I found out that they get really excited to see white people with Nikons. I can't understand exactly what they're saying other than "Nikon" but it's similar to what would happen if a group of Cleveland tourists ran into a native wearing a Browns sweatshirt in the middle of Cairo. I'm guessing they're unaware of the influence Ashton Kutcher has on America's camera buying population.

Anyhow, I'm wandering around the Imperial Gardens and this Japanese grandma runs up to me:
Japanese Grandma: "Dodoko noko noko nah bodoko!"
Me: "Please don't hurt me."
JG: "dodoko dodoko Nikon!" (pointing at camera)
Me: (nervously lifts camera, smiles)
JG: (points over at a tree, exasperated)

I look over the tree, which was a freshly blossomed and there was a little bird in the tree. I figured out real fast that they really go for little birds perched on blossoms, as Japanese Grandma went and rounded up another half-dozen photographers after me. The results are here.

Despite my best efforts, I didn't run into any ninjas in Japan. I may have come close though. While wandering around the gardens I walked by a building (here) that was in the off-limits zone. I'm not sure what was going on in there, but it's probably better that I wasn't allowed in, it sounded like they were tossing tree trunks at each other.

The photo set can be found here.
The map of the photo set is here.


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